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This is Pierre Bourdeau 1663-1713's bio in the book by Archange Godbout, it appears on pages 360-362.........


"bought the concession of 50 arpents from Rene Poupart dit Lafleur 3 October 1682 (gr Maugue ). This concession was at prairie St-Claude, close-by the Prairie La Madeleine. He married Marie Faye in Laprairie, 25 October 1689 (contract, Adhemar , same day). He got choice concessions from the Jesuits 8 February 1695 , namely 75 arpents with a hundred-title, seigneurial rent and lease inheritance, plus 50 acres with hundred-title and seigneurial rent ( gr Maugue). These two concessions were located in Laprairie . The curate [priest] Louis Geoffroy, Laprairie, sells him a parcel 10 October 1695 (gr Adhemar ). A cruel ordeal then strikes our active colonist: his wife dies prematurely at age 24 married only 13 years. She was buried at Laprairie 14 June 1700, leaving him two sons. Pierre Bourdeau, in order to rebuild his life , sells one of his concessions to Mr. Leriger -Laplante 25 July 1700, and made an inventory of his property 20 Septembre 1700 (gr Adhemar). He applies and is then appointed guardian of his children 10 September 1700 ( Guardianship Curantelles ... AJM , Nos. 172 and 173). He marries Marguerite Lefebvre at Laprairie 27 September 1700 ( contract Adhemar, September 21), who will give him seven children. Several transactions are then recorded with Mathurin Sauton 4 October 1700, Jean Lefort dit Laprairie 14 August 1701, Pierre Roy and Antoine Rougier 10 July 1708 (gr. Adhemar). Another concession was awarded by the Jesuits 27 July 1703 (gr Adhemar). He was buried in Laprairie on 29 October 1713. On 15January 1715 the application for guardianship was awarded( Guardianship Guardianship ... our 432 and 433) . The inventory of the community property of Pierre Bourdeau and Marguerite Lefebvre was recorded 16 January 1715 (gr Lepailleur ) , and the closing inventory was signed the following February . The widow Bourdeau made agreements with Pierre and Dominique Bourdeau, sons from his first marriage, on the property of her late husband . Marguerite Lefebvre died before 1753." Credit for the translation is to Diane Lamoureaux Ciba

Nos Ancetres Au XVII Siecle

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